
City of Irvine -  Bikeway Map

The City of Irvine provides a network of on-street and off-street bikeways to encourage the use of bicycles as a safe and convenient means of transportation for both commuting and recreational purposes. This is evident by 301 lane miles of on-street and 61.8 miles of off-street bikeways provided in the City today.

Battery FAQ's

Many factors influence the distance one can travel on a single charge using their GPN “Orange" E-Bike. These include wind resistance, temperature, load, terrain, pedaling cadence, and effort. Click to read more on how Li-Ion batteries perform.

E-Bike Health Benefits

Watch your profits increase and your value rise as you boost your company efficiency. It’s easier than you think. 

Bicycle Safety Tips

•Become familiar with your bicycle. Keep it in good working order and adjusted properly to fit you. Use bicycle shops as a resource.
•For your protection, always wear a helmet. Be sure your helmet has been approved by the Snell Memorial Foundation, or the American National Standards Institute.
•Do not wear a headphone while riding your bike. A bicyclist must be constantly alert to potential traffic hazards.
•Make yourself visible. Equip your bike with proper reflectors and lights (refer to CA Vehicle Code Section 21201). Dress to be seen by wearing light-colored clothing at night and brightly colored clothing during the day.
•Obey traffic signs and signals; they apply to all vehicles, including bicycles.
•Abiding by all traffic laws will gain you respect from other road users.
•Wherever there is a bike lane provided, you must use it use your speed is less than the auto traffic.
•Ride predictably. Try to travel in a straight line, and about a car door’s width away from parked cars.
•Avoid riding two or more abreast.
•Communicate your intentions by using hand signals when turning or changing lanes.
•Always ride with traffic, never against it. Keep to the right as much as possible, but be aware of potholes, storm drain grates, parked cars, broken glass and other road hazards.
•Cross storm drain and railroad tracks at a right angle.
•Never assume drivers are aware of your presence. Always make eye contact.
•When traveling straight ahead and approaching a red light, look behind you and, when safe, move onto the line separating the right-turn lane from the right lane of traffic. This allows room for cars to turn right. If no right turn lane is available, position yourself in the middle of the right lane; if the lane is wide enough, allow enough room on your right for cars to turn.
•At your destinations, always secure your bicycle with an appropriate locking device. Never park your bicycle in a manner which blocks pedestrian traffic.
•Registration of your bicycle with the City Police Department will aid in its recovery in the event of theft.

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